How to receive a list of a partial view controller (ViewModel)


I have a partial view which receives a list from a controller, that view has a model (ViewModel) ... The problem is that the list does not arrive or does not result in the view ..

namespace Proyecto_Libreria.Entidades
    public class Union
        public Acreedor Acreedor { get; set; }
        public Pago Pago { get; set; }

These are the entities that "come together" in the View

namespace Presupuestador_Libreria.Entidades
public class Acreedor: EntidadBaseSimple
    public String Nombre { get; set; }

    public String Concepto { get; set; }


namespace Presupuestador_Libreria.Entidades
public class Pago: EntidadBaseSimple
    public int Id_Acreedor { get; set; }

    public String Factura { get; set; }

   public virtual Acreedor acreedor { get; set; }

This is the controller ...

public ActionResult Listar()
        List<Acreedor> ListaAcreedor = _BDController.Acreedores.ToList().Where(s => s.Estado == "Activo").ToList();
        return View("Listar", ListaAcreedor);

And this is the partial view where I have the problem, or the list does not arrive or I have an error when trying to go through it.

@using Proyecto_Libreria.Entidades;
@using Proyecto_Libreria.Controladores;
@model List<Acreedor_Pagos>
<table class="table table-striped">
    @foreach (Acreedor_Pagos obj in Model)
            <th scope="row"> @obj.Acreedor.Nombre </th>
            <td> @obj.Acreedor.Concepto </td>

What could be the error, thanks!

asked by Carlos Mario Cano 08.03.2018 в 15:45

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