PHP does not run on the server


I'm trying to make a project HTML with PHP and while I was developing it locally it was great, once I uploaded it to the server I had several problems, for example:

I have a page "index-mercadeo.php" that performs a query by ajax to show a dynamic table. However, when I uploaded the page to the server, the table remains empty, it apparently has no errors.

I leave the code - > index-marketing.php

  header("Status: 301 Moved Permanently");
  echo"<script language='javascript'>window.location='index.php'</script>;";

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                          <h1>Realizar Inventario</h1>
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                        <label class="control-label" style="padding: 10px">Canal</label>
                        <div class="controls">
                          <select name="canal"  onclick="obtenerRz(this.value)" onchange="obtenerRz(this.value)" required="true" >
                               include 'conexion.php';
                               $pdo = Database::connect();
                               $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT nom_canal FROM ubicacion";
                               foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) {
                                        echo '<option value="'. $row['nom_canal'] .'" >'. $row['nom_canal'] .'</option>';

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            <!-- TABLE-->
           <div id="errorProducto"></div>  
           <div id="Productos"></div>


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- > optenerProductos.php [Where the dynamic table is generated by ajax.]


    if (!empty($_GET['nom_canal']) && !empty($_GET['nom_rz']) && !empty($_GET['ide_sucursal'])) {
        $nom_canal = $_REQUEST['nom_canal'];
        $nom_rz = $_REQUEST['nom_rz'];
        $ide_sucursal = $_REQUEST['ide_sucursal'];

   <form name="sentMessage" id="contactForm" novalidate="novalidate" action="actualizarInventario.php" method="post">
   <table class="table table-hover">
                  <th bgcolor="#f5f3f3">ID Ubicacion</th>
                  <th>ID Producto</th>
                  <th bgcolor="#f5f3f3">Inventario</th>
                       include 'conexion.php';
                       $pdo = Database::connect();
                       $sql = "SELECT * FROM productos WHERE estado_producto = 'ACTIVO' AND ide_canal = (SELECT ide_canal FROM ubicacion WHERE nom_canal = '".$nom_canal."' AND nom_rz = '".$nom_rz."' AND ide_sucursal = '".$ide_sucursal."' ) ";
                       foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) {
                                echo '<tr>';
                                echo '<td bgcolor="#f5f3f3" >'. $row['ide_canal'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['nom_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['ide_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['estado_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['historico'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td><input  class="form-control" type="number" placeholder="0" name = "inventario[]" required="required" ></td>';
                                echo '<td><input type="hidden" value="'. $row['ide'] .'" name="ideProducto[]"></div></td>';
                                echo '</tr>';
                 <div ></div>
      <div id="success"></div>
      <div class="form-group" align="center">
          <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-xl" id="sendMessageButton">Enviar Reporte</button>

Here is the sample of how the page is once I call the table:

The header of the table is created correctly and as seen in the image, the <tbody> closes with </tbody> so it would not know if it is an error or that it does not execute the query.

but I've already tried the query in the database and it works.

BD query:

                       include 'conexion.php';
                       $pdo = Database::connect();
                       $sql = "SELECT * FROM productos WHERE estado_producto = 'ACTIVO' AND ide_canal = (SELECT ide_canal FROM ubicacion WHERE nom_canal = '".$nom_canal."' AND nom_rz = '".$nom_rz."' AND ide_sucursal = '".$ide_sucursal."' ) ";
                       foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) {
                                echo '<tr>';
                                echo '<td bgcolor="#f5f3f3" >'. $row['ide_canal'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['nom_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['ide_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['estado_producto'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td>'. $row['historico'] . '</td>';
                                echo '<td><input  class="form-control" type="number" placeholder="0" name = "inventario[]" required="required" ></td>';
                                echo '<td><input type="hidden" value="'. $row['ide'] .'" name="ideProducto[]"></div></td>';
                                echo '</tr>';

Thank you.


Other tables if they are created dynamically.

asked by Andres Felipe Diaz 06.03.2018 в 03:13

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