Pass result through a link to another form


I have a doubt that I do not know if it is viable to carry it out.

I'm using a plugin for moodle called "configurable report". This plugin allows you to create reports through sql queries that you create yourself. I have been given the case of needing to pass some variable from one report to another, that is, from one query to another.

To put yourself in situation, I have the following:

SELECT DISTINCT AS 'Nombre del grupo', concat('<a class="button" href="%%WWWROOT%%/blocks/configurable_reports/viewreport.php?id=445','&mode=posts">Ver</a>') AS 'Miembros del grupo'

As you can see, I'm doing a query to get the groups and in turn concateno a button that leads to another query, well, it is to that query where I would like to send the choice of that group to use in the subsequent consultation.

Thank you very much.

 public function print_report_page() {
    global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $USER;

    $components = cr_unserialize($this->config->components);

    $template = (isset($components['template']['config']) && $components['template']['config']->enabled && $components['template']['config']->record) ? $components['template']['config'] : false;

    if ($template) {
        return true;

    // Debug.
    $debug = optional_param('debug', false, PARAM_BOOL);
    if ($debug or !empty($this->config->debug)) {
        echo \html_writer::empty_tag('hr');
        echo \html_writer::tag('div', $this->sql, ['id' => 'debug', 'style' => 'direction:ltr;text-align:left;']);
        echo \html_writer::empty_tag('hr');

    echo '<div class="centerpara">';
    echo format_text($this->config->summary);
    echo '</div>';

    if ($this->finalreport->table && !empty($this->finalreport->table->data[0])) {

        echo "<div id=\"printablediv\">\n";

        if ($this->config->jsordering) {

        $this->totalrecords = count($this->finalreport->table->data);
        if ($this->config->pagination) {
            $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
            $this->totalrecords = count($this->finalreport->table->data);
            $this->finalreport->table->data = array_slice($this->finalreport->table->data, $page * $this->config->pagination, $this->config->pagination);


        if ($this->config->pagination) {
            $postfiltervars = '';
            $request = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
            if ($request) {
                foreach ($request as $key => $val) {
                    if (strpos($key, 'filter_') !== false) {
                        if (is_array($val)) {
                            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                                $postfiltervars .= "&amp;{$key}[$k]=".$v;
                        } else {
                            $postfiltervars .= "&amp;$key=".$val;

            $pagingbar = new paging_bar($this->totalrecords, $page, $this->config->pagination, "viewreport.php?id=".$this->config->id."&courseid=".$this->config->courseid."$postfiltervars&amp;");
            $pagingbar->pagevar = 'page';
            echo $OUTPUT->render($pagingbar);

        // Report statistics.
        $a = new \stdClass();
        $a->totalrecords = $this->totalrecords;
        echo \html_writer::tag('div', get_string('totalrecords', 'block_configurable_reports', $a), ['id' => 'totalrecords']);

        echo \html_writer::tag('div', get_string('lastexecutiontime', 'block_configurable_reports', $this->config->lastexecutiontime / 1000), array('id' => 'lastexecutiontime'));

        if (!empty($this->finalreport->calcs->data[0])) {
            echo '<br /><br /><br /><div class="centerpara"><b>'.get_string('columncalculations', 'block_configurable_reports').'</b></div><br />';
            echo html_writer::table($this->finalreport->calcs);
        echo "</div>";

    } else {
        echo '<div class="centerpara">'.get_string('norecordsfound', 'block_configurable_reports').'</div>';

    echo '<div class="centerpara"><br />';
    echo $OUTPUT->pix_icon('print', get_string('printreport', 'block_configurable_reports'), 'block_configurable_reports');
    echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript: printDiv('printablediv')\">".get_string('printreport', 'block_configurable_reports')."</a>";
    echo "</div>\n";
asked by Jesús de la Cruz 01.03.2018 в 09:20

0 answers