Values in Select


I have a problem this is a part of my form, in my code I use select to make a catalog but I need you to take the values that were previously entered and that are stored in the corresponding tables of my BD in my case What I do is that I store them in my code (Enter an example of my code) <?php $options = ['Primero', 'Segundo', 'Tercero']; ?> , what I need is that you do not need to write them in the code that takes them direct from the database and respects them in the select .

In my main table "worker" where the records are being inserted are foreign keys and I only take the IDs of each table ie in my table "worker" I have the fields idctg_nomina and in my second table "nomina" where I have my foreign key "idctg_nomina" and descripcion_nomina what I want is that insert by ID but not by description since my values in my BD are INT type.

How do I make it respect the data of the select that had previously been entered and when saving respect those fields?

<h2> Administración de Trabajadores Registrados</h2>    
        <div class="well well-small">
        <hr class="soft"/>
        <h4>Edición de Trabajadores Registrados</h4>
        <div class="row-fluid">


        $sql="SELECT * FROM trabajador  WHERE id_control=$id_control";
    //la variable  $mysqli viene de connect_db que lo traigo con el require("connect_db.php");
        while ($row=mysqli_fetch_row ($ressql)){



        <form action="ejecutaactualizar_trabajador.php" method="post">
                No. Control:<br><input type="text" name="id_control" value= "<?php echo $id_control?>" readonly="readonly"><br>
                Nombre:<br> <input type="text" name="nombre" value="<?php echo $nombre?>"><br>
                Apellido Paterno:<br> <input type="text" name="ap_paterno" value="<?php echo $ap_paterno?>"><br>
                Apellido Materno:<br> <input type="text" name="ap_materno" value="<?php echo $ap_materno?>"><br>
                NSS:<br> <input type="text" name="NSS" value="<?php echo $NSS?>"><br>
                CURP:<br> <input type="text" name="CURP" value="<?php echo $CURP?>"><br>
                RFC:<br> <input type="text" name="RFC" value="<?php echo $RFC?>"><br>
                Puesto:<br> <input type="text" name="id_puesto" value="<?php echo $id_puesto?>"><br>
                Area:<br> <input type="text" name="id_area" value="<?php echo $id_area?>"><br>
                Turno:<br> <input type="text" name="idctg_turno" value="<?php echo $idctg_turno?>"><br>
                Empresa:<br> <input type="text" name="idctg_empresa" value="<?php echo $idctg_empresa?>"><br>

Tipo Nómina:<br>
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            if ($option=== $id_nomina) {
                echo '<option selected="selected" value='.$option.'>'.$option.'</option>';
            } else {
                echo('<option value='.$option.'>'.$option.'</option>');

                <input type="submit" value="Guardar" class="btn btn-success btn-primary">
asked by Carlos 01.03.2018 в 16:32

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