I need to calculate the highest, the lowest, the average, the sale value and the sale value greater than 100000 but it does not work

package quiz;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ferreteria {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Ferreteria objFerreteria=new Ferreteria();
int clientes;
double valorProducto;
int UnidadesPorCliente;
double valorVenta;
double valorMayor;
double valorMenor;
double promedioVentas;
double mayor100000;

public void contadorVentas() {
int valor;

Scanner teclado=new Scanner(System.in);

for(int contador=0;contador<100000;contador++) {

    System.out.println("ingrese numero");

System.out.println("el valor del producto es "+valorProducto);
System.out.println("el numero mayor es "+ valorMayor);
System.out.println("el numero menor es "+ valorMenor);
System.out.println("el numero menor es "+ mayor100000);
System.out.println("las unidades por cliente fueron="+UnidadesPorCliente);


private void mayorA100000(int valor) {
if(valor>100000) {
private void promedioDeVentas() {
private void mayoriaDeValor() {
private void valorTotalVenta() {
asked by santiago londoño velez 28.02.2018 в 02:48

1 answer


You have a few mistakes here and there and things that are too much.

First: You do not use the following libraries, you can delete them:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

Second: In the main , why do you make an object of the class to call the contadorVentas() method? With the use of static you can solve this problem. You make the method static , example public static void contadorVentas() and you can call the method directly without needing an instance of your own class. Remember that a class, method or field declared as static can be accessed or invoked without the need to instantiate an object of the class.

Third: Why is your main empty and all your logic is inside the contadorVentas() method? The methods, functions or procedures should be used to solve things easily and quickly. I advise you to translate your logic to main and use the other methods that you have below.

Fourth: Why are the declarations of your variables below main ?. If you do not need to be global, then you must declare them within main .

Fifth: You never close the Scanner. When you finish with it, you must close it as follows: teclado.close();

Sixth: You have methods type void and you do not return anything.

Seventh: Why do you have for up to 100000? o.o I think between 5-10 is enough.

Eighth: Why do you show the major, minor, etc ... within the same for ?. The correct thing would be to ask for the numbers first and when leaving the for then show the results.

Ninth: You have valorProducto declared as type Double , then to capture a Double with Scanner you need .nextDouble();

Among many other errors .... Your program can be greatly simplified. I have done it for you and I have commented it so that you can understand it. I could not understand what you mean by "sales value" and "value greater than 100,000" but, I've done what I've believed. You can edit it to your liking.

Your program fixed, corrected and doing what you need:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Ferreteria {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Creamos un ArrayList de tipo Double
        ArrayList<Double> valores = new ArrayList<Double>();

        // Lógica
        Scanner teclado = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Pediremos 3 valores
        for (int contador = 0; contador < 3; contador++) {

            System.out.println("Valor del producto #" + contador + ": ");
            // Agregamos el valor capturado al ArrayList


        // Cerrar Scanner

        // Calcular el mayor
        double valorMayor = 0;
        for (int contador = 0; contador < valores.size(); contador++) {

            // Si el valor en la posición "contador" es mayor a "valorMayor"
            if (valores.get(contador) > valorMayor) {
                valorMayor = valores.get(contador);
        System.out.println("El valor mayor es: " + valorMayor);

        // Calcular el menor
        double valorMenor = valorMayor;
        for (int contador = 0; contador < valores.size(); contador++) {

            // Si el valor en la posición "contador" es menor a "valorMenor"
            if (valores.get(contador) < valorMenor) {
                valorMenor = valores.get(contador);
        System.out.println("El valor menor es: " + valorMenor);

        // Calcular el promedio
        double valorPromedio = 0;
        for (int contador = 0; contador < valores.size(); contador++) {

            // Sumamos todos los valores
            valorPromedio += valores.get(contador);
        // Dividimos entre el número de valores que tenga el ArrayList
        System.out.println("El valor promedio es: " + valorPromedio / valores.size());

        // Valor de venta
        double valorVentaTotal = 0;
        for (int contador = 0; contador < valores.size(); contador++) {

            // Sumamos todos los valores
            valorVentaTotal += valores.get(contador);
        System.out.println("El valor de venta total es: " + valorVentaTotal);

        // Cantidad de ventas mayores a 100,000
        int cantidadVentasMayores = 0;
        for (int contador = 0; contador < valores.size(); contador++) {

            // Si el valor en la posición "contador" es mayor a 100,000
            if (valores.get(contador) > 100000) {
        System.out.println("Productos que exceden los 100,000: " + cantidadVentasMayores);


I hope I have helped you!

answered by 28.02.2018 в 04:15