Problem to download url from an image stored in Firebase Storage


After a lot of searching I decided to ask them why I can not find the answer to my problem. I am making an application to show the information of the products that a business has using Firebase. In "Database" I have all the product information (name, description, etc.) and in "Storage" I have stored an image related to each product.

Through an Adapter achievement, download the information of "Database" and arrange it in a GridView. I have the problem when I want to associate the image with the product information through the Firebase URL. As I was watching (and I tried it manually) to do this I must get the URL of the style "https: // ....." and what I get is a URL of the style " zzn @ 42041500 "that is not serving me to bring the image from Firebase.

I do not know if it's important, but I've uploaded the images directly to the "Storage" and not through the app.

I leave the codes to see if anyone can help me.

Thank you very much !!!!!


protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // FirebaseDatabase
    FirebaseDatabase accesoriosDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
    DatabaseReference accesoriosDatabaseRef = accesoriosDatabase.getReference().child("accesorios");

    // FirebaseStorage
    final FirebaseStorage storage = FirebaseStorage.getInstance();
    final StorageReference storageRef = storage.getReference();

    // Initialize message ListView and its adapter
    ArrayList<AccesoriosObject> accesorios = new ArrayList<>();
    final AccesoriosAdapter adapter = new AccesoriosAdapter(this, accesorios);
    GridView gridView = findViewById(;

    // tomar info desde firebase
    ChildEventListener childEventListener = new ChildEventListener() {
        public void onChildAdded(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, String s) {
            // This is the method that gets called whenever a new message is inserted into the messages list.

            final AccesoriosObject accesorios = dataSnapshot.getValue(AccesoriosObject.class);

            final String key = dataSnapshot.getKey();

            Task<Uri> downloadUrl = storageRef.child("accesorios_imagenes/" + key + ".jpg").getDownloadUrl();
            Log.v("downloadUrl", String.valueOf(downloadUrl));




(...) // Find the ImageView in the child_list_view.xml
    ImageView imagenImageView = listItemView.findViewById(;
    // Get the version name from the current Word object and set this text on the Nombre del Producto
    assert currentAccesorio != null;
    Glide.with(imagenImageView.getContext()).load(currentAccesorio.getImagenProducto()).into(imagenImageView); (...)


(...) public AccesoriosObject(String nombreProducto, String descripcionProducto,
                        String precioProducto, String unidadProducto,String imagenProductoUrl,
                        String tipoProducto) (...)
// Tomar la Url de la imagen del Producto.
    public String getImagenProducto() {
        return mImagenProductoUrl;

    // Set url de la imagen del producto
    public void setImagenProducto(String imagenProductoUrl){
        this.mImagenProductoUrl = imagenProductoUrl;
asked by Pablo G 28.02.2018 в 09:59

1 answer


Cedano could find the way to my answer and solve my problem.

What is slow to download the images. Why could it be ??

The change I made was the following in AccesoriosActivity :

storageRef.child("accesorios_imagenes/" + key + ".jpg").getDownloadUrl().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Uri>() {
                    public void onSuccess(Uri uri) {
                        String downloadUrl = uri.toString();
                        Log.v("downloadUrl", downloadUrl);
                        assert accesoriosObject != null;
                }).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
                    public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception exception) {
                        // Handle any errors
answered by 28.02.2018 в 19:10