I am using the mercadopago.php library and would like to know how to filter payments approved by a specific date and also by payer_email.
- In this way I get the approved payments
$ filters = array (
"status" = > "approved",
$ search_result = $ mp-> search_payment ($ filters, 0.100);
print_r ($ search_result);
To filter by date I tried the attributes:
$ filters = array (
"begin_date" = > "2017-12-01T00: 00: 00Z",
"end_date" = > "2018-01-01T00: 00: 00Z"
$ search_result = $ mp-> search_payment ($ filters, 0.100);
print_r ($ search_result);
I took these attributes from an example that the library brings but does not filter by date, the filter keeps getting all the approved payments.