How to run a Katalon test without entering the IDE


As the title says I wanted to know if there is the possibility of running a test performed by Katalon Studio without the need to enter the IDE and execute it, in some way as if it were an .exe or something more practical ????

asked by Pablo 27.02.2018 в 19:24

1 answer


Do it as a script (.bat or .sh). When you create your test case either by recording it or by programming it yourself, next to the run button there is an oton to generate a series of CMD commands, you generate the commands, the copies and the pastes in a text file and you change the extension to .bat. For example: (Sorry I do not know how to occupy blocks)

C: cd C: \ Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-X.X.0 katalon -runMode = console -projectPath="C: \ Users \ YO \ Katalon Studio \ ProjectBar \ MyProject.prj" -reportFileName="report" -retry = 0 -testSuiteCollectionPath="Test Suites / MyProject"

In the projectpath you place the directory where you run Katalon Studio and in testSuiteCollectionPath, the test suite collection that you generate with Katalon. Take a look at the documentation

answered by 26.09.2018 в 05:52