You can do it this way, you declare the structure of the class, but instead of using a __construct method that seeks to give values to a default class you can use a named method; that is to say a function likewise to use a foreach is ideal better to declare an associative array that is to say of key-value
At the end when creating the instance of the class to the object named $ a we can in the last line give an echo to that object by accessing the print method that will return the results of said array
Look at the example
class Datos
protected $nombres;
function imprimir()
$this->nombres = array("valor1" => "Perengano","valor2" => "sutano","valor3" => "chilindrina");
foreach ($this->nombres as $key => $value)
echo $value.PHP_EOL;
$a = new Datos;
echo $a->imprimir();
The key and value details are for:
$ key returns for example $ value1, $ value2 and $ value3
$ value returns the values associated with the keys of point one
On the other hand, the names of the classes must be capitalized and have reference to the content of said class
On the other hand you should always indicate the scope of a property, within which you have public, private and protected; the ideal is that they are not public so that they are not modifiable outside the class that declared them
Now if you want to use the constructor to initialize a property at the time of creating the class it would be this way and it remains functional
class Datos
protected $nombres;
public function __construct()
$this->nombres = array("valor1" => "Perengano","valor2" => "sutano","valor3" => "chilindrina");
function imprimir()
foreach ($this->nombres as $key => $value)
echo $value.PHP_EOL;
$a = new Datos();
echo $a->imprimir();