I am practicing making a beverage sales system, in which I have a table with the products, with a button to add to the cart. If the selected product is ALREADY in the cart, it only increases its AMOUNT by 1. Otherwise, add it to the list and place quantity 1.
The Purchase entity has a constructor with 3 parameters (Str product, int price, int quantity). and it operates with a separate table in the database called ESTA_COMPRA with the same fields in it.
With the code I have now, he is pulling me:
"net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: UCAExc ::: 4.0.2 Incorrect Argument in a JDBC Call: parameter index out of range: 3 at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessPreparedStatement.setInt (UcanaccessPreparedStatement.java:536) at sistemaventasbebidas.DAO.update_Cantidad (DAO.java:141) at sistemaventasbebidas.VistaController.addCarro2 (VistaController.java:205) "
I do not know why I throw outofbond (3) if 3 is the number of the record Amount in the BD.
I have in the DAO:
/////////update cantidad en DB esta_compra///////////
public void update_Cantidad(entidad_Compras ec){
DBCon conec = new DBCon();
String sql= "UPDATE ESTA_COMPRA SET cantidad=?" + "WHERE producto=?";
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
ps = conec.Connect().prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setInt(3, ec.getCantidad());
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
and in the controller:
private void agregarCarro2(){
if (! tabla_bebidas.getSelectionModel().isEmpty()){
entidad_Bebidas bebida = tabla_bebidas.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
String produ = tproducto.getText();
int precio = Integer.parseInt(tprecio.getText()); // seteo los 3 parametros para ingresarle al objeto EC
//cantidad = cantidad + 1;
//stock aca faltaria una funcion para ir actualizando el stock en la bd, pero que pueda volver a la normalidad en caso de cancelar la compra.
if (Integer.parseInt(tstock.getText())> 0){
int stockinicial = bebida.getStock();
int stockactual = Integer.parseInt(tstock.getText());
int nuevoStock = stockactual - 1;
} else{
total =total + precio;
DAO dao = new DAO();
entidad_Compras ec = new entidad_Compras(produ,precio,cantidad);
if (dao.esta_En_Carrito(produ)){
ec.setCantidad(ec.getCantidad() + 1);
dao.update_Cantidad(ec); //si esta en el carrito suma cantidad
//insertar compra en la bd
}//agregar carrito 2
I'm not 100% sure of what I'm doing haha. I'm learning on my own! Greetings