Hello I need if you can help me with a theme that I am setting up for wordpress, I am arming it from scratch and I have problems with a structure that believes that bootstrap, where I use a grid of 1170 px and within it 1-3 columns- 4-3-1
for the arming in wordpress I am using advanced custom fields. I attach an example image The problem is that I need to repeat the content inside the 3-4-3 columns and that I have the ones on the empty side, can that be done? On the other hand I do not know if I'm putting together the ACF repeater. What I need is for the logos to be centered and repeated as the first line.
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<section class="empresas">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">
<h2><?php the_field('titulo_empresa') ?></h2>
<p><?php the_field('bajada_empresa') ?></strong></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1"></div>
$active = "active";
$logos = 0;
while(have_rows('logos_empresa')){ the_row();
if ($logos == 3) { ?>
<div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1"></div>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
<li class="center-block logo-empresa-loma-negra logo-loma-negra-empresa">
<a href="<?php the_sub_field('url_logo') ?>" style="background: url(<?php the_sub_field('imagen_logo') ?>);background-repeat: no-repeat;"></a>
if ($logos == 7) {
<div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1"></div>
if ($logos == 8) {
$logos = 0;
<!-- <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4">
<li class="logo-empresa-ferrosur logo-ferrosur-empresa">
<a href="#0"></a>
</div> -->
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
<li class="logo-empresa-recycomb logo-recycomb-empresa">
<a href="#0"></a>
</div> -->
<div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1"></div>