How do I assign values from one arrangement to another?


I want to make a function that gives me back a specific position of an array of a smaller length with respect to another one in VBA - Excel, all my values are multiples of 28 and I had this idea in mind:

Public Function arreglo_corto(rango As Range, termino As Integer) As Double

Dim i, j As Integer
Dim curva As Double
ReDim curva(390)

For i = 1 To 390
  j = i * 28
  curva(i) = rango(j)
Next i

arreglo_corto = curva(termino)

End Function

But nothing else returns the error '# REF!', could you help me to a clearer solution or to tell me what I'm wrong about?


asked by werlix 17.02.2018 в 00:21

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