Rendering views with Twig


I uploaded my project to a free shared hosting. I do not render the views as they should be, that is, everything loads me well but does not show content, only the blank page appears. I tried placing a php page with conventional html and everything works fine.

PS: Locally I use a virtual host and everything works well for me.

declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace app\core\librarys;
use app\core\helpers\FunctionsTwig;

class View
    public static function create(string $path,  array $params=null){
        //Convertir el string recibido en array
        $path = explode('.',$path);
        $route = null;
        /*Crear mediante ciclo el formato ruta del archivo requerido*/
for ($i=0; $i < count($path); $i++){ if ($i == count($path)-1){ /*Si es el ultimo se le anexa la extencion del archivo*/ $route.=$path[$i].'.twig'; }else{ /*Mientras se sigue formando la ruta*/ $route.=$path[$i].'/'; } } /* Comprobar si la ruta obtenida del archivo es verdadera */ if (file_exists(VIEWS_PATH.'templates/'.$route)){ /* Se le establece donde estaran las vistas */ $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(VIEWS_PATH.'templates/'); /* Se le configuran opciones */ $twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader,[ 'cache'=> VIEWS_PATH.'cache/' ]); /* Agregar variables globales */ add_twig_global($twig, array( 'URL_ASSETS' => URL_BASE.'public/assets/', 'URL_TS' => URL_BASE.'public/typescript/output/src/' )); /* Extension para poder crear funciones personalizadas */ $twig->addExtension(new FunctionsTwig()); if (is_null($params))echo $twig->render($route);else echo $twig->render($route, $params); }else{ die('No existe el archivo'); } }


asked by Chris Santiz 04.03.2018 в 21:03

1 answer


Try turning off the Twig cache, if doing that works maybe the problem is that the directory does not exist or you do not have write permissions.

answered by 05.03.2018 в 02:33