Well, I'm using a left side menu with the Kartik SideNav widget, according to the examples you should leave the selected item marked as active, but do not suffice, as expected.
What do I need to configure to make the widget work as it should be?
This is the code I use
echo SideNav::widget([
'type' => SideNav::TYPE_INFO,
'heading' => 'Contratación',
'items' => [
'url' => Yii::$app->homeUrl.'contrato/index?cual=1',
'label' => 'Contratos Vigentes',
'icon' => 'edit'
'url' => Yii::$app->homeUrl.'contrato/index?cual=2',
'label' => 'Contratos Expirados',
'icon' => 'edit'
'url' => Yii::$app->homeUrl.'cont-suplemento/index',
'label' => 'Suplementos',
'icon' => 'edit'
? >