Hello, I would like your help or see if anyone knows what is happening, when reading the data in an excel file I keep it in an array and I keep two more to perform other procedures with them, but when modifying one the others are modified two, someone knows why this happens, thank you.
var resultadoExcel = openExcel.Result(item);
var libro = resultadoExcel.Item1;
var libro3 = resultadoExcel.Item1;
var filas = resultadoExcel.Item2;
var columnas = resultadoExcel.Item3;
var heuristica2 = libro;
var capacidad = libro[2, 1];
var articulos = libro[2,2];
resultBox.Text += "Capacidad Máxima:" + Convert.ToString(capacidad);
resultBox.Text += ("\r\n");
libro[0, 0] = 1; // Al hacer este cambio se modifica en todos
When the change is made in the book variable, the variable book3 and heuristica2 are also affected.