Get a single record, in Oracle 12c


FROM ct_factura,ct_dosificacion,ct_contrato_cuenta
WHERE ct_contrato_cuenta.n_id_factura = ct_factura.n_id
and ct_dosificacion.n_id = ct_factura.n_id_dosificacion
and ct_factura.n_id (5456,5470,5458,5459,5460,5461,5462,5463,

I have the following query, where ct_factura and ct_dosificacion return a single record, however the join between ct_factura and ct_contrato_cuenta , returns more than one record, how do I make them to only do the join and return a single record between these two tables: ct_factura and ct_contrato_cuenta ? The ct_contrato_cuenta table is shown in the image:

asked by joselo 15.02.2018 в 16:42

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