Good I have a small problem I want to align the buttons of "See Article"
The problem comes when the title of the note is extensive and covers 2 or 3 lines.
When in a row there is pure article of 2 lines it is fine but if there is one of 2 lines and two of 3 lines the button is uneven.
How can I make the button always stay fixed all the way down.
This is the script I use to format the entries
[! [enter the description of the image here] [1]] [1]
<!-- Este div hace que los articulos se dividan en 3 -->
<div class='uk-width-large-1-3 uk-width-medium-1-1' style= 'padding-bottom: 25px;'>
<!--Agarra la imagen del URL y la pone de contenido-->
<a class='cs-hover-effect' href='#'>
<img class='uk-width-medium-1-1' src=''/></a>
<div class='cs-article-summary'>
<!-- Agarra el titulo del URL y lo despliega-->
<a class='cs-hover-effect' href='#'>
<h4 class='cs-article-summary-title cs-font-roboto cs-color-text-2 uk-text-bold'></h4>
<!-- Muestra las primeras 15 palabras del articulo -->
<a class='cs-hover-effect' href='#'>
<h5 class='cs-font-roboto cs-color-text-3'></h5>
<!-- Boton para ir a ver articulo -->
<a class='uk-button cs-color-background-2 cs-color-text cs-font-roboto cs-button2 cs-hover-effect' href='#'>Ver Artículo</a>
.cs-button2 {
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 2px 20px;
font-size: 13px;
letter-spacing: 1px;
text-transform: uppercase;
float: left;