how can I improve this excel code


Sub Buscar_Numeros()
'Por.Dante Amor
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set h1 = Sheets("numeros")
    Set h2 = Sheets("formato")
    uc = h1.Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    For j = Columns("F").Column To uc Step 5
        h1.Cells(2, j).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
    cod = Format(h1.[A2], "0000")
    For i = 1 To 4
        Cells(3, i) = Mid(cod, i, 1)
    ns = Array(h1.[A3], h1.[B3], h1.[C3], h1.[D3])
    Dim celdas As New Collection
    For j = Columns("F").Column To uc Step 5
        Set celdas = Nothing
        m = 0
        For k = LBound(ns) To UBound(ns)
            Set b = h1.Range(h1.Cells(2, j + k), h1.Cells(7, j + k)). _
                Find(ns(k), lookat:=xlWhole)
            If Not b Is Nothing Then
                m = m + 1
                celdas.Add b.Row & "," & j + k
                Exit For
            End If
        If m = 4 Then
            For p = 1 To celdas.Count
                dire = Split(celdas(p), ",")
                fila = Val(dire(0))
                col = Val(dire(1))
                h1.Cells(fila, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
  • Currently the macro searches in matrices of 4 by 6.
  • Now I want it to be searched in two matrices of 4 by 4 or it is a single matrix of 8 by 4.
  • incorporate the macro if you can to the 5 buttons or only 1 and I then do the rest
  • Finally I want this: "point out the possible matches on the left so this is not the complete number "
asked by Jhon Fredy Murcia Rodriguez 15.02.2018 в 14:27

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