I am creating a function in windows through autoit that executes chrome enter an address and place the fullscreen window in enter password and pass.
Func Example()
Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
sleep (3000)
send ("facebook.com") ;puse una pagina de ejemplo
send ("{ENTER}")
sleep (3000)
send ("{F11}")
sleep (1000)
send ("{TAB}")
sleep (1000)
send ("Juan")
send ("{TAB}")
sleep (1000)
send ("pedro")
send ("{ENTER}")
sleep (2000)
send ("{tab 6}")
sleep (400)
send ("{ENTER}")
EndFunc ;==>Example
What happens is that the page to be hidden functions are written outside it.
I want it to perform the functions in hide (@echo off de *.bat)
mode and at the end the window appears.
Grace beforehand.