Ionic 3 * ngIf does not update the view


I am working with Ionic 3. When I change the value of a variable in a component, the view is not updated in a page where it is integrated.

I have looked at many answers to similar questions but I do not know how to do it.

My code is this:

PAGE: home.html

<div *ngIf="getLoading()" text-center>
<img src="">


public navCtrl: NavController,
public myList: myListComponent) {}

public getLoading() {
  return this.myList.loading;

COMPONENT: myList.ts

       selector: 'component-myList',
       templateUrl: 'myList.html'

export class myListComponent {

  public loading: boolean = false;

  constructor() {}

  putLoading() {
    this.loading = !this.loading;


<button color="secondary" (click)="putLoading()" ion-button right>Put Loading</button>

When I press the button nothing happens, that is, the home div is not shown, although the value does change by console.

Any ideas?

asked by jakama 19.02.2018 в 20:21

1 answer


Finally I got it with the events ...

I created in the home constructor:

 events.subscribe('actualiza', loading => {

And in the component's constructor:

events.publish("actualiza", this.loading,1);

Each time I modify the load value in the component, I call the event:

events.publish("actualiza", this.loading,1);

And so the page finds out and renders again ...

answered by 22.02.2018 / 13:51