Good morning to all, I explain, I have a program of high losses and changes in Delphi 10.1 Berlin, it is a multi device application (Multidevice), but I have a problem which I could not solve, I have an FDQuery (with a query select * from animals) said query (FDQuery) is linked to a ListView by means of Bind Visually where it links the Item.text and ItemHeader.Text fields this looks something like this ...
and I want that by pressing any item in the listview either in this case '' Silvestre or Piolin, send me a message that says the following:
You selected 'Silvestre and / or piolion' and the type of animal is 'cat or bird', in a few words I want the text and the heading to appear in a message (showmessage), I have already been able to show the text in the message but I can not find the property to show the header (Header), I need help please ...