error when creating a database in postgresql


good teammates what happens is that I will do the practices in PostgreSQL and I get the following error, some postgresql expert can help me with that problem, please ...

asked by Eduard Triana 07.02.2018 в 23:20

1 answer


It can happen because of 2 different problems.

You are trying to connect to an external server and you had the session of the active account and an X interval of time has passed and the token has expired and it is necessary to log in again.

Either you are trying to connect to the server for the first time or have changed something concerning the network configuration. If this is the case you should configure the file "postgresql.conf" and add your Ip publishes, in the "listen_addresses" section if you need to add several Ip's it's

listen_addresses = 'XXX.XX ..', 'XXX.XX ..'

If commented on the line uncomment-la

In Ubuntu, the files are in


Source: Here

To configure it from pgAdmin: Here

answered by 07.02.2018 в 23:46