I have the following query
@NamedQuery(name = "findNivelesPersonaByCvePersona", query= "select myNivelesPersona from NivelesPersona myNivelesPersona where myNivelesPersona.persona.cveIdPersona = ?1"),
and the following in the service class
public List<NivelesPersona> findByCveIdPersona(int cveIdPersona);
y en la clase Impl
public List<NivelesPersona> findByCveIdPersona(int cveIdPersona) {
return new java.util.ArrayList<NivelesPersona>(nivelesPersonaDAO.findByCveIdPersona(cveIdPersona));
and in the DAO
public Set<NivelesPersona> findByCveIdPersona(int cveIdPersona);
Y DAO Impl
public Set<NivelesPersona> findByCveIdPersona(int cveIdPersona) {
return findByCveIdPersona(cveIdPersona);
and in the class where I send him to call
person = personaService.findPersonaByPrimaryKey(1);
cvePersona = person.getCveIdPersona();
System.out.println("pruebaaaaaa" +nivelesPersonaService.findByCveIdPersona(cvePersona));
and raise but that error comes out and mark it on the Impl DAO in the return