I am learning how to program, and I have an exercise that asks me the following. Basically I have to print on the screen this text below with printf
but I do not even know where to start.
<br> El valor de la variable casado es true </br>
<br> El valor de la variable MAXIMO es 999999 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable diasem es 1 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable diaanual es 300 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable miliseg es 1298332800000 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable totalfactura es 10350,677734 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable totalfactura en notación científica es 1.035068E+04 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable poblacion es 6775235741 </br>
<br> El valor de la variable sexo es M </br>
I have been looking for information on the Internet about how to use the printf
class but my programming level is so low that I do not understand the explanations either and I do not know how to do the exercise. Can someone explain to me what rules I have to follow to use printf
to show what the exercise asks me to do on the screen? Thank you very much.