CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo (String) does not recognize some cultural references


The fact is that I'm doing tests for a multilanguage app in c #. I have these lines:

rsp = Console.ReadLine();

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(rsp);

In the strings folder I have several .resx resource files with the value of Hello for several languages. Most of the references that I put in rsp recognize them and get the value of Hello from the resx of that language.

However, there are some that you do not recognize; for example en-CA , ru , ja , ja-JP .

The picture shows the contents of my folder strings, so the Japanese, Russian and English of Canada should come out. But they do not come out, the value of strings.resx comes out (which is the default resource).

asked by Juan 01.02.2018 в 11:32

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