conditional on web.config


good afternoon in a project I have a key in web.config depending on the status true or false you must enable a field in my form between a dropdawnlist and a button this is what I have: web.config.

<add key="habilitar_boton" value="true"/>

in the project:

    Private ReadOnly Property _HabilitarAcompanantes() As Boolean
        Dim bHabilitarAcompanantes As Boolean = True
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("habilitar_multiseleccion_acompanante_gestion")) Then
            bHabilitarAcompanantes = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("habilitar_multiseleccion_acompanante_gestion"))
        End If

        Return bHabilitarAcompanantes
    End Get
End Property

and the conditional

If _HabilitarAcompanantes = True Then
            Me.divUnicoAcompanante.Visible = Me._HabilitarAcompanantes
            If _HabilitarAcompanantes = False Then
                Me.divUnicoAcompanante.Visible = False And Me.btnMultiAcompanantes.Visible = True
            End If
        End If

The problem is that when I leave the key to true it shows me the two fields the dropdawnlist does not hide me

asked by Jeisson Torres 02.02.2018 в 19:43

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