Columns are not shown in "footable" table


function abrir(idOferta) {
    modal('{{ path("neumaticos") }}/ficha/' + idOferta);
<table id="neumaticos-resutl" class="table table-striped table-responsive" data-filtering="true" data-paging="true">
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true"></th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ "Referencia"|trans }}</th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ "Descripcion"|trans }}</th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ "Marca"|trans }}</th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ "Precio"|trans }}</th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ "Stock.almacen"|trans }}</th>
            <th data-breakpoints="xs" data-visible="true">{{ ""|trans }}</th>
        {% for neumatico in neumaticos %}
            {% if neumatico.stock > 0 or (neumatico.stock == 0 and neumatico.baja is null) %}
                <td><a href="#" onclick="abrir('{{ neumatico.referencia }}');"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span></a></td>
                <td><a href="#" onclick="abrir('{{ neumatico.referencia }}');">{{ neumatico.referencia }}</a></td>
                <td>{{ neumatico.nombre }}</td>
                <td>{{ neumatico.marca }}</td>
                    {{ neumatico.precio|number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€
                <td>{% if neumatico.almacen > 4 %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/green.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.verde"|trans }}" />
                    {% elseif neumatico.almacen > 0 %}
                        {{ "Quedan"|trans ~ " " ~ neumatico.almacen ~ " " ~ "unidades"|trans }}
                    {% elseif neumatico.almacen == 0 and neumatico.minimo > 0 %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/blue.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.azul"|trans }}" />
                    {% else %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/yellow.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.amarillo"|trans }}" />
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if neumatico.stock > 0 %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/green.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.verde"|trans }}" />
                    {% elseif neumatico.stock == 0 and neumatico.minimo > 0 %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/blue.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.azul"|trans }}" />
                    {% else %}
                        <img src="{{ asset('images/yellow.png') }}" title="{{ "Stock.amarillo"|trans }}" />
                    {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

this is the link to the documentation link

If I do not put the data-breakpoints="xs" it does not matter if it is XS or any other, the table works but it does not show the links of the <td> below, if I do not put data-breakpoints="xs" the table is not displayed with the style of footable ...

asked by Pavlo B. 06.02.2018 в 09:30

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