I am using an Apache / 2.4.25 host service (Debian) and when I enter the admin view, I am throwing this. The requested URL / admin / boton_panico was not found on this server.
in web.php I have this way
Route::get('admin', "PaginasController@admin_monitoreo");
Route::get('/', "PaginasController@home");
Route::get('/index', "PaginasController@index");
Route::get('admin.boton_panico', "PaginasController@admin_panico");
and create a page handler
class PaginasController extends Controller
public function index(){
return view ("welcome");
public function home(){
return view ("home");
public function admin_monitoreo(){
return view ("admin.admin");
public function admin_panico(){
return view ("admin.boton_de_panico");
I do not know if it's an error in my view settings? or a typing error ..