I need to make a form to leave comments on my website, that users can comment and publish automatically.
This is the code I have but it does not work ... Can you help me? I put it before but it was not the right thread ..
Here are the comments:
$conexion = mysqli_connect("servidor de la base de datos",
"usuario de la base de datos", "contraseña del usuario");
mysqli_select_db("base de datos", $conexion);
if ($conexion)
$resultado = mysqli_query("SELECT id, usuario, fecha,
mensaje FROM comentarios ORDER BY id DESC", $conexion);
while ($fila = mysqli_fetch_row($resultado))
echo "<B>Mensaje</B> #" . $fila[0] . "; ";
echo "<B>Escrito por:</B> " . $fila[1] . "; ";
echo "<B>Fecha:</B> " . $fila[2] . "; ";
echo "<BR>";
echo $fila[3];
echo "<HR>";
And the file to leave the message:
<TITLE>Deja un mensaje</TITLE>
<FORM ACTION="procesar_mensaje.php" METHOD=POST>
<B>Nombre de usuario:</B>
<INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=20 NAME="usuario">
<B>Escribe tu mensaje:</B>
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Enviar mensaje">
mysqli_select_db($conexion, "dbxxxxxx");
$conexion = mysqli_connect("dbxxxxx.db.1and1.com", "dboxxxxxx", "xxxxxxx");
if ($conexion)
$resultado = mysqli_query($conexion,"SELECT id, usuario, fecha, mensaje FROM comentarios ORDER BY id DESC");
while ($fila = mysqli_fetch_row($resultado))
echo "<B>Mensaje</B> #" . $fila[0] . "; ";
echo "<B>Escrito por:</B> " . $fila[1] . "; ";
echo "<B>Fecha:</B> " . $fila[2] . "; ";
echo "<BR>";
echo $fila[3];
echo "<HR>";
Capture of the database: