I am a beginner in python
and I have zero programming knowledge. I'm trying to solve this system of equations with odeint
def croissance(x,t):
dx = [0,0]
dx[0] = (gamma_ - alpha_ * beta_) * M - alpha_ * M * D
dx[1] = alpha_ * beta_ * M + alpha_ * M * D
return dx
My full script is as follows:
# Parameters
alpha_ = 1.0
beta_ = 1.0
gamma_ = 1.0
# Differential system
def croissance(x,t):
dx = [0,0]
dx[0] = (gamma_ - alpha_ * beta_) * x - alpha_ * x * x
dx[1] = alpha_ * beta_ * x + alpha_ * x * x
return dx
# Initial conditions
N0 = [0.3,0.3]
t0 = 0.
dt = 0.01
tf = 60.
t = np.arange(t0, tf, dt)
N = odeint(croissance, N0, t)
When I try to run the code in Jupyter I get the following error:
"RuntimeError: The array return by func must be one-dimensional, but got ndim = 2."
I understand what it means but I can not decipher my error. Is it a conflict between dx and N0?