How to position the text of a label on the left in tkinter


Hi, I'm learning about the python tkinter library and I decided to make a calculator. My program used an entry as a text field but that allowed the user to write in it, what I want is that only the buttons work and you can not write, so use a label, the problem with the label is that the text it is centered and I want it to be positioned to the left of the label. So that's what I'm asking: How to position the text to the left of the label ?. Here I leave the code:

import tkinter as tk

def btn_click(numbers):

    global operador
    operador=operador + str(numbers)

def btn_clear_display():

    global operador

def btn_equals_input():
    global operador
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        operador = ""
        operador = sumup

def btn_erase():
    global operador
    operador = operador[:temp - 1]

ventana = tk.Tk()

var = tk.StringVar()

temp = len(operador)

display = tk.Label(ventana, bg = "white" ,textvariable = var, width = 20).place(x = 20, y = 20)

b1 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "1", command=lambda:btn_click(1), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 20, y = 80)
b2 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "2", command=lambda:btn_click(2), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 55, y = 80)
b3 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "3", command=lambda:btn_click(3), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 90, y = 80) 
b4 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "4", command=lambda:btn_click(4), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 20, y = 115)
b5 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "5", command=lambda:btn_click(5), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 55, y = 115)
b6 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "6", command=lambda:btn_click(6), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 90, y = 115)
b7 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "7", command=lambda:btn_click(7), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 20, y = 150)
b8 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "8", command=lambda:btn_click(8), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 55, y = 150)
b9 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "9", command=lambda:btn_click(9), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 90, y = 150)
b0 = tk.Button(ventana, text = "0", command=lambda:btn_click(0), fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 55, y = 185)

boton_suma = tk.Button(ventana, text = "+", command=lambda:btn_click("+"), fg = "black", width = 2).place(x = 130, y = 80)
boton_resta = tk.Button(ventana, text = "-", command=lambda:btn_click("-"), fg = "black", width = 2).place(x = 155, y = 80)
boton_multi = tk.Button(ventana, text = "x", command=lambda:btn_click("*"), fg = "black", width = 2).place(x = 130, y = 115)
boton_divi = tk.Button(ventana, text = "/", command=lambda:btn_click("/"), fg = "black", width = 2).place(x = 155, y = 115)
boton_elevar = tk.Button(ventana, text = "elevar", command=lambda:btn_click("**"), fg = "black", width = 5).place(x = 130, y = 150)
boton_equals = tk.Button(ventana, text = "=", command=btn_equals_input, fg = "black", width = 5).place(x = 130, y = 185)
boton_clear = tk.Button(ventana, text = "C", command=btn_clear_display, fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 20, y = 185)
boton_erase = tk.Button(ventana, text = "<--", command=btn_erase, fg = "black", width = 3).place(x = 90, y = 185)       

asked by ElAlien123 23.01.2018 в 03:03

1 answer


Use the anchor argument, which indicates where the text or image should be placed within Label . The allowed values refer to the cardinal points:

  • tk.N (or 'n ')
  • tk.NE (or 'ne' )
  • tk.E (or 'e' )
  • tk.SE (or 'se' )
  • tk.S (or 's' )
  • tk.SW (or 'sw' )
  • tk.W (or 'w' )
  • tk.NW (or 'nw' )
  • tk.CENTER (or 'center' )

By default it is tk.CENTER . The provision is therefore:

In your case you should use:

display = tk.Label(ventana, bg="white", textvariable=var, width=20, anchor="e")
answered by 23.01.2018 / 07:00