Restart Mysql before the maximum connections arrive


I have a MySQL DB running on a Debian machine in GCP, which sometimes reaches the limit of connections, which leaves the application stopped until it is restarted and then the application can be reconnected.

Currently has a maximum number of connections has 1000, my idea was to create a script that would look at the database to get the number of connections and if it exceeded 950 restart the database. the idea is to put it in a Crontab that runs every 5 minutes.

At the moment what I have been up to here and I have not managed to make it work anymore (I'm a blanket :)) The two data connections are for tests, restart when there are more than three connections.

sudo mysql < in.txt > out.txt;

sudo grep -o '[0-9]' <out.txt >connections.txt
#maxconnections=$(cat connections.txt)
maxconnections=$(awk '{ print $1 }' connections.txt)
echo  $maxconnections
sleep 4
if [[$maxconnections -ge "3"]]; then  service mysql restart
    echo "por debajo de las conexiones maximas"
    sleep 3
fi ; 

The file in.txt has the following command:

show status where 'variable_name' = 'Threads_connected';

The file out has the result of executing the file command in.txt:

Variable_name   Value
Threads_connected       2

The connections file only contains the number of connections, in contract: 2

When executing the script I get the following error:

root@test-mysql:/home/aminiasin/temp# ./ 
./ line 11: [[2: command not found

one or less


Any clue as to why it may be failing?

asked by Avc Alberto 12.12.2018 в 15:44

2 answers

./ line 11: [[2: command not found

That error lies mainly in your sentence if

if [[$maxconnections -ge "3"]]; then  service mysql restart

This [[$maxconnections does not make sense for bash. Since, apparently, when the variable $ maxconnections expands as "2", then you have the token [[2 in your script running. But that token has no meaning. What has meaning would be something like

[[ $maxconnections -ge "3" ]]
# |_______________________|______ Nota estos espacios.

Then, if the number 2 were replaced again in $maxconnections , the sentence would be of the form if [[ 2 -ge "3" ]] and that makes sense since if executes commands based on a conditional and that conditional is given when evaluated with the built-in [[ which is a token that uses bash to evaluate. Like any token, it needs a separator that identifies it, in this case it is a space before and after if [[ condicion ]]

Your script should look something like this.

sudo mysql < in.txt > out.txt;

sudo grep -o '[0-9]' <out.txt >connections.txt
maxconnections=$(awk '{ print $1 }' connections.txt)
echo  $maxconnections
if [[ $maxconnections -ge "3" ]]
    service mysql restart
    echo "por debajo de las conexiones maximas"

I'm not saying that your script does the right thing, I think the @Bryro option is the right one. And referring to your doubt in the script that @Bryro wrote you should put something like that.

if [[ $NUM -ge $MAX ]]
    service mysql restart

But remember not to copy and paste everything that you see immediately, before reviewing the syntax, which was meant by the author of the code.

answered by 12.12.2018 / 18:41

you can do it like this:


Note: I put it only as teaching material not as a possible solution to your problem since it would be best to increase the number of connections temporarily:

SET GLOBAL max_connections = 3000;

or permanently in my.ini and restart the database:


and this is the requested code:

NUM=$(cat in.txt  | grep "connected" | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ $NUM -ge $MAX ]]; then
 echo "es mayor de $MAX lo que quieras hacer"
answered by 12.12.2018 в 16:37