I have an application with cordova
for android
in which I want to unzip a file .ZIP
To do this, use the following code but the plugin cordova-plugin-zip
of cordova, but when executing, send me an error and the text: "Oops, cannot decompress files"
myApp.onPageInit('actualizarApp', function (page) {
myApp.params.swipePanel = false;
var phatZIP='';
var destino ='/storage/emulated/0/';
function actualizar(){
function processZip(phatZIP, destino){
// Handle the progress event
var progressHandler = function(progressEvent){
var percent = Math.round((progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total) * 100);
// Display progress in the console : 8% ...
console.log(percent + "%");
// Proceed to unzip the file
window.zip.unzip(phatZIP, destino, (status) => {
if(status == 0){
console.log("Files succesfully decompressed");
if(status == -1){
console.error("Oops, cannot decompress files");
}, progressHandler);
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