Is it possible to do that when someone makes the payment of a subscription to my app through itunes this can connect to an endpoint and send me the information of the purchase in a Json by body as do the webhooks of stripe ? I have researched and I have not found anything, I expect information similar to the following:
"created": 1326853478,
"livemode": false,
"id": "evt_00000000000000",
"type": "account.external_account.created",
"object": "event",
"request": null,
"pending_webhooks": 1,
"api_version": "2015-04-07",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "ba_00000000000000",
"object": "bank_account",
"account": "acct_00000000000000",
"account_holder_name": "Jane Austen",
"account_holder_type": "individual",
"bank_name": "STRIPE TEST BANK",
"country": "US",
"currency": "usd",
"default_for_currency": false,
"fingerprint": "XPGzUTVJja4EBM9A",
"last4": "6789",
"metadata": {
"routing_number": "110000000",
"status": "new"
I do not add the code of what I have tried since I consider that how I made the endpoint is irrelevant because what I need is to know if at least there is a way to do what I want.