Can you combine common php files with php POO structure?


My code is as follows:


/**Comprueba si el archivo db.php.ini existe*/
if (file_exists("../config/config.php.ini")) {
    /*Lee el archivo db.php.ini*/
    $credenciales_bd= parse_ini_file('../config/config.php.ini');
    /*Obtiene valores del archivo db.php.ini*/
    $host= $credenciales_bd['servidor'];
    /*Crea la conexion MySQL*/
    $conn= new mysqli($host,$usuario,$contrasena,$bd);

}catch(Exception $e){
    echo '<script>$e</script>';


my question is, Can I combine the previous file in a structure of POO of php ? This is because I want to reuse that code, and use POO since I have to make several queries MySQL and would like to have them in functions within the same document.

What I want to do is something like the following:

 class Consultas_usuario{



  public function consulta1(){


   /*Resto del codigo*/

asked by Ferny Cortez 21.12.2017 в 18:56

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