Update Script Datatable using a query that returns a JSON


A while ago I have been investigating the subject and the truth is that I do not find it back. My idea is, by using the Script Datatable generate a table that the charge by a json , until there we are perfect, the problem arises when I want to update the table by entering a date in input , and that the data shown by a query SQL , are updated to the corresponding date entered manually.

I hope I have been clear and that you can help me! Thanks!

Editing I add part of the code Code HTML where I generate the table

<table id="example" class="display table table-fixed">
            <!-- Creacion de la tabla de Indicadores -->
                <th class="indicador_t" rowspan="2">Indicador</th>
                <th rowspan="2">Max/Min/<br>Ran</th>
                <th class="acu_mes" colspan="4">Mes actual (Al día)</th>
                <th rowspan="2" class="ancho_mes">Meta Mensual</th>
                <th class="acu_ejercicio" colspan="3">Acumulado ejercicio (Al día)</th>
                <th rowspan="2" class="ancho_anual">Meta Anual</th>

Script where I generate table from Datatable , you will notice that I do a grouping according to a certain group.

$(document).ready(function() {
        var datatable = $('#example').DataTable({
            "pageLength": 30,
            "serverSide": true,
            ajax: {
            url: 'calculos_indicadores.php',
            dataSrc: ''
            columns: [
              { "data": "nombre",
                "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
                  if (oData.descripcion != null) {
                    $(nTd).html("<a target='_blank' class='tooltips' href=detalle_indicador.php?id_indicador="+oData.id_indicador+">"+oData.nombre+"<span>"+oData.descripcion+"</span></a>");
                    $(nTd).html("<a target='_blank' href=detalle_indicador.php?id_indicador="+oData.id_indicador+">"+oData.nombre+"</a>");
              { "data": "valorActual",
                "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
                  if (oData.origen_de_datos == 'excel' && oData.valorOk == 0 && oData.forma_agregacion != 'proporcion') {
                    $(nTd).html("<a class='tooltips class_a_href' href='#'><u>"+oData.valorActual+" "+oData.unidad_medida+"</u><span>Última Actualización:"+oData.ultimaActualizacion+"</span></a>");
                    $(nTd).html("<a class='tooltips class_a_href' href='#'>"+oData.valorActual+" "+oData.unidad_medida+"<span>Última Actualización:"+oData.ultimaActualizacion+"</span></a>");
              { "data": "valorObjetivoDiario",
                "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
                  if (oData.frecuencia_actualizacion != 'mensual') {
              { "data": "variacion",
                "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
                  if (oData.accion != 'Ran') {
                    if (oData.tiene_alarmas == 't') {
                      if (oData.accion == 'Max') {
                        $(nTd).html("<a class='tooltips class_a_href' href='#'>"+oData.variacion+" %<span>Amarillo: "+oData.luzAmarilla+" %&nbsp;||&nbsp;Verde: "+oData.luzVerdeDer+" %</span></a>");
                      }else if (oData.accion == 'Min'){
                        $(nTd).html("<a class='tooltips class_a_href' href='#'>"+oData.variacion+" %<span>Amarillo: "+oData.luzAmarillaDer+" %&nbsp;||&nbsp;Verde: "+oData.luzVerdeDer+" %</span></a>");
                    if (oData.tiene_alarmas == 't') {
                      $(nTd).html("<a class='tooltips class_a_href' href='#'>"+oData.variacion+" %<span>Amarillo Inferior: "+oData.luzAmarilla+" %&nbsp;||&nbsp;Rango Verde: "+oData.luzVerde+" %&nbsp;-&nbsp;"+oData.luzVerdeDer+" %&nbsp;||&nbsp;Amarillo Superior: "+oData.luzAmarillaDer+" %</span></a>");
                "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
                  if (oData.tiene_alarmas == 't') {
                    $(nTd).html(oData.desvio+" %");
            "fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
                /* Append the grade to the default row class name */
                if ( aData.valor_estado == 1 )
                  $('td:eq(4)', nRow).css('background-color', '#E68282');
                  $('td:eq(4)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');

                }else if (aData.valor_estado == 0.5) {
                  $('td:eq(4)', nRow).css('background-color', '#FCDF6A');
                  $('td:eq(4)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');
                  $('td:eq(4)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');

                if (aData.estado_acumulado == 1) {
                  $('td:eq(8)', nRow).css('background-color', '#E68282');
                  $('td:eq(8)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');
                }else if (aData.estado_acumulado == 0.5) {
                  $('td:eq(8)', nRow).css('background-color', '#FCDF6A');
                  $('td:eq(8)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');
                  $('td:eq(8)', nRow).css('font-weight', 'bold');
              "columnDefs": [
                  { "visible": false, "targets": 3},
                  {"targets": [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ], "className": "text-center"}
              "language": {"sSearch": "Buscar :  "},
              "order": [[ 3, 'asc' ]],
              "displayLength": 300,
              "paging":   false,
              "info":     false,
              "scrollY":        "500px",
              "scrollCollapse": true,
              "paging":         false,
              "drawCallback": function ( settings ) {
                  var api = this.api();
                  var rows = api.rows( {page:'current'} ).nodes();
                  var last=null;

                  api.column(3, {page:'current'} ).data().each( function ( group, i ) {
                      if ( last !== group ) {
                          $(rows).eq( i ).before(
                              '<tr class="group"><td colspan="10" style="font-weight: bold;">'+group+'</td></tr>'

                          last = group;
                  } );
          } );

          // Order by the grouping
          $('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'tr.group', function () {
              var currentOrder = table.order()[0];
              if ( currentOrder[0] === 3 && currentOrder[1] === 'asc' ) {
                  table.order( [ 3, 'desc' ] ).draw();
              else {
                  table.order( [ 2, 'asc' ] ).draw();
          } );
      } );

Up to here everything is perfect , now my idea is to add from the previous script that by selecting some field, which can be a date in a input , update the table with the data of the new query from the date that is passed. And I looked for many examples and researched but I could not find the solution to this problem.

asked by David Lopez 27.12.2017 в 15:57

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