I'm working on a PHP
project with connection to MySQL
, but I have a problem, when I do select
, in some cases foreach
can go through the PDOStatement object and in others do not, I do not know if I owe it to the consultation or what it may be. I have tried doing debugging
of the code and simply skips the cycle foreach
in some queries. This is the general query:
/* $seleccionado es el servicio seleccionado que cambia según lo que
escoja el cliente, es un select en HTML*/
"SELECT nombre, descr, imagen FROM servicio WHERE nombre =
Works when $ selected takes any of the following values:
Solutions In Microwave Links
Deployment of Network 4G, 3G
Equipment Rental
Stop working when $ selected takes any of the values:
Interference Analysis
Signal Coverage Solutions
The problem is in the function process_result ($ db_fields) , it is the first foreach which is sometimes skipped with the queries mentioned above.
I leave the code of the connection:
The call stack starts with the function get_data ($ query, $ fields_bd);
class conexion{
private $conexion;
private $res;
//El segundo parametro es un arreglo de cadenas que tiene los
campos de la base de datos
public function obtener_datos($consulta, $campos_bd){
constantes::USER, constantes::PASS, constantes::BD);
$this->res = $this->conexion->query($consulta);
return $this->procesar_resultado($campos_bd);
} catch(PDOException $e){
print "Error!: ".$e->getMessage()."</br>";
public function actualizar_datos($consulta){
constantes::USER, constantes::PASS, constantes::BD);
$this->res = $this->conexion->query($consulta);
} catch(PDOException $e){
print "Error!: ".$e->getMessage()."</br>";
private function conectar_y_seleccionar_bd($server, $user, $pass, $bd){
$this->conexion = new PDO("mysql:host=$server;dbname=$bd", $user, $pass);
private function procesar_resultado($campos_bd){
$arreglo_resultado = array();
foreach($this->res as $fila){
$vector = array();
foreach ($campos_bd as $campo) {
array_push($vector, $fila[$campo]);
array_push($arreglo_resultado, $vector);
return $arreglo_resultado;