I have an applet that I want to run in my ASP.NET application, I was looking for how to load it and I found a method that works for me, I run it from jscript with:
<script src="http://www.java.com/js/deployJava.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var attributes = {
code: 'Applet.class',
archive: 'Applets/miapplet.jar',
width: 325, height: 325
var parameters = { fontSize: 16 };
var version = '1.6';
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, version);
He already sends me to call the applet, but he gives me the following error:
attempted to open sandboxed jar miapplet.jar as a Trusted-Library
I have read that maybe it is something from the signature of the jar, I use the option "self-sign by generated key" (since I do not know another method and that is by default). I have also read that it is enough to remove the Trusted = true option but it does not work for me. Any ideas that could help me?
P.D I use the latest version of java, I run the application with NetBeans and it works perfectly, and I visualize my website from internet explorer, since in Chrome it tells me that it does not support java.