Well it turns out that I want to make a trigger that when I update a column in a specific table records are annexed ie I have a table where articles when the sale is made and the quantity is discounted that information is given to a sales table. acontinuacion show the code:
create table articulos(
id_articulo number(5) primary key,
nombre varchar2(32),
detalle varchar2(32),
precio number(8) not null,
cantidad number(10) not null,
create table ventas(
id_venta number(5) primary key,
id_articulo number(5) references articulos,
id_empleado number(6) references empleado,
id_cliente number(5) references cliente,
cantidad number(10) not null,
precio number(8) not null,
total number(8) not null,
fecha_venta date
The trigger is as follows:
create sequence id_venta
start with 1
increment by 1
create or replace trigger anexventa
before update on articulos
referencing new as new old as old
for each row
x number;
select id_venta.nextval into x from dual;
:new.id_venta := x;
if updating('cantidad') then
insert into ventas values(:NEW.id_venta, :old.id_articulo, :old.id_empleado, :old.id_cliente, :NEW.cantidad, :NEW.precio, :NEW.total, sysdate);
end if;
end anexventa;
As you can see, attach a sequence which allows me to generate the sale id automatically.
The errors thrown at me are:
SQL> show errors trigger anexventa;
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
5/2 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.ID_VENTA'
7/28 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.ID_VENTA'
7/61 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'OLD.ID_EMPLEADO'
7/79 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'OLD.ID_CLIENTE'
7/124 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.TOTAL'
I hope someone can guide me regarding the problem. Greetings.