good morning, I consult here if someone else has had this problem and has found a solution, I downloaded from the official website of jgrapht link the zip file they have, for windows, then I try to import into my netbeans the library by right clicking in the library and then "add file JAR / folder" adds the file without problems with a lot of packages.
The problem is that then, no matter how much I recompile, it is as if nothing had been imported, that is, when writing the example code link
does not recognize me or let me import "import org.jgrapht. ; import org.jgrapht.alg. ; import org.jgrapht.graph. *; "
I have tried to do it by hand, but the problem is that if I import the core for example, some things like the DijkstraShortestPath.findPathBetween does not work correctly as it appears in the official jgrapht documentation if not as a version old and the truth and I do not know what else to do, if anyone knows what I can do to be imported correctly I would appreciate it very much.