Good morning. I have a String
of binary numbers type "001010100101011111011010101101010000001110101011" in a file, which I read using the following code:
public String muestraContenido(String archivo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String linea ="";
FileReader fr = null;
int[] binaryValue = new int [257];
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
// Apertura del fichero y creacion de BufferedReader para poder
// hacer una lectura comoda (disponer del metodo readLine()).
File archivo1 = new File ("cadenaAleatoria.txt");
fr = new FileReader (archivo);
br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String caracter="";
//int[] cadena=new int[257];
// Lectura del fichero
//int i=0;
while((caracter = br.readLine())!=null){
linea=caracter + br.readLine();
}catch(Exception e){
// En el finally cerramos el fichero, para asegurarnos
// que se cierra tanto si todo va bien como si salta
// una excepcion.
if( null != fr ){
}catch (Exception e2){
// mostrar(linea);
return linea;
Well, what I want to do is pass this String
that I just read, to an array of int[]
. My idea is to convert this String
into a int
and later into a int[]
. This would be possible ? Any better alternative than this?