Delete all tables except some mysql


I have a bbdd mysql with 65 tables and I need to create a script that will clean it for a future upload to production.

As I have to delete most tables, except internal data (types of users, sections, permissions, predetermined categories etc ...) I have thought about erasing them all except those that I need to keep.

Is there any way, in mysql , to delete data from all tables (truncate) except those that are in a list?

Even if it's more work, the opposite option would also be useful: make the data erasure of all the tables that are in a list.

asked by Jordi Castilla 25.01.2016 в 10:24

3 answers


A possible solution with two variants:

  • Create a table that will contain table names.
  • Create a stored procedure that:
    • Variant A:
    • Select all the tables whose name is in the created table.
    • Makes a truncate of those tables.
    • Variant B:
    • Select all tables whose name is not in the created table.
    • Makes a truncate of those tables.
  • Call the stored procedure every time you want to delete the tables.
  • Variants are examples of white lists or blacklists: variant A contains a black list that indicates which tables should be deleted (the rest will be left as is), while variant B contains a white list with the tables that they must be maintained (and the others will be truncated).

    Depending on the number of tables to be deleted or each time the list of tables to be deleted is updated, you could decide on one or the other. If you know that the tables that should not be deleted are going to be constant but that the ones that are going to be deleted may vary, I would choose option B.

    Here is an example of how it could be done:


    In this example:

    • stackoverflow is the name of the database where the tables to be truncated are located.

    • tables_to_clear is the table that contains the names of the tables to be truncated.

    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS truncar_tablas $$
    CREATE PROCEDURE truncar_tablas()
        DECLARE x INT;
        DECLARE numtablas INT;
        DECLARE nombretabla VARCHAR(100);
        SELECT COUNT(nombre) INTO numtablas FROM tablas_a_borrar;
        SET x = 0;
        -- hacemos un bucle que leerá todos los nombres de las tablas
        truncate_loop: LOOP
            -- si ya hemos atravesado todas las tablas, salimos del bucle
            IF x > numtablas THEN
                LEAVE truncate_loop;
            END IF;
            -- seleccionamos el nombre de la tabla
            SELECT nombre
            INTO   nombretabla
            FROM   tablas_a_borrar
            LIMIT  x, 1;
            -- construímos dinámicamente el TRUNCATE para la siguiente tabla
            SELECT CONCAT('TRUNCATE ',GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('stackoverflow.',table_name)),';')
            INTO @codigotruncar 
            FROM information_schema.tables 
            WHERE 'stackoverflow' = database()
              AND table_name IN (SELECT DISTINCT nombre FROM tablas_a_borrar WHERE nombre = nombretabla); 
            -- preparamos y ejecutamos el SQL dinamicamente
            PREPARE stmt FROM @codigotruncar;
            EXECUTE stmt;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;
            SET x = x + 1;
        END LOOP;
    END $$

    Afterwards you should only call the stored procedure in this way: call truncar_tablas; to truncate all the tables specified in the table tablas_a_borrar .

    answered by 25.01.2016 / 15:16


    The same solution implemented within a store procedure with SQL using EXECUTE in a loop over a cursor with the tables to be truncated.

    This store procedure expects a table named excepciones with the list of tables that should not be truncated in a field called nombre_tabla , the list of tables is taken from the system table information_schema.tables

    It would be more or less like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE truncateAlgunas() BEGIN
      DECLARE nombreTabla VARCHAR(64);
                  SELECT table_name 
                  FROM information_schema.tables 
                  WHERE table_name NOT IN (SELECT nombreTabla FROM excepciones);
      OPEN cur;
      truncateLoop: LOOP
        FETCH cur INTO nombreTabla;
        IF done THEN
          LEAVE truncateLoop;
        END IF;
        PREPARE statement FROM CONCAT("TRUNCATE TABLE ", nombreTabla);
        EXECUTE statement;
        DEALLOCATE PREPARE statement;
      END LOOP truncateLoop;
      CLOSE cur;

    And then you just run the store procedure. This is the same as I said before but implemented in mysql.

    Note: I could not prove it, but it should work without major changes.

    Previous answer

    As far as you can not use parameters for the names of the tables (or columns) (eg: TRUNCATE TABLE @tablename ), so focus it discard.

    A possible solution would be, using any other language, and by hand concatenate the name of the table to the statement truncate table .

    List<String> tablas = { "a", "b", "c" };
    List<String> excepciones = { "b" };
    String sentencia;
    for(var tabla in tablas) {
        if (!excepciones.contains(tabla)) {
            sentencia += "TRUNCATE TABLE " + tabla + ";"; 

    This could also be done using SQL. Also, depending on the origin (reliability) of the list of tables and exceptions, you should check the value of tabla by control characters to avoid sql injection .

    More info at this post from OS in English

    answered by 25.01.2016 в 14:46

    The simplest way and how I do it is through the IDs, they solve my life when there are numerical values, I only do:

    DELETE FROM "tabla" where "codigoid" < "135"

    In this example my is the table and the column is codigoid and I am asking you to delete all the values below 135, maybe you can try something similar to start

    answered by 30.03.2018 в 08:27