Replace hard space (Non breaking space) in VB.NET


Good morning, I've been trying to replace a text string that has hard spacing or non breaking space, but I do not get it in any way, I tried the following codes in a function and it just does not work with any:

Private Function RepChar10(ByVal text As String) As String
    Dim toChange As String
    toChange = text
    toChange = toChange.Replace("\u00A0", " ")
    toChange = toChange.Replace(Chr(160), " ")
    toChange = Replace(Replace(text, "&nbsp", ""), "nbsp", "")
    toChange = Replace(Replace(text, Chr(10), " "), Chr(13), " ")
    RepChar10 = toChange
End Function

If anyone knew a way to eliminate it, thank you very much in advance!


Update, solution: How about, solve it leaving the code as follows:

Private Function RepChar10(ByVal text As String) As String
    Dim toChange As String
    toChange = text
    toChange = toChange.Replace(",", " ")
    toChange = toChange.Replace(Chr(160), " ")
    toChange = toChange.Replace(Chr(13), "")
    toChange = toChange.Replace(Chr(10), "")
    RepChar10 = toChange
End Function

The only detail is that it replaces the accents and the ñ by other characters, but I think it's the least

asked by chernan5 06.12.2017 в 16:54

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