I wanted to ask about how to convert a string to a char *, the case is the one shown below, where I have a defined string and I want to name the variable x using .setName (), but it receives a char *, so that I can not simply place variable names for the string as an argument to the .setName () (the for cycle was the idea). Any ideas on how to put a string in .setName () as an argument? Or maybe not define it as string?
IloNumVarArray x;
string nombresvariables[12] = {"x11","x21","x31","x41","x12","x22","x32","x42","x13","x23","x33","x43"};
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
x[i].setName(); //numero de variables
//x[0].setName("x11"); evitar tener que hacer esto