I have an activity that controls a session and it also has many fragments that are the whole operation of the app, it turns out that I'm making a request for rest services in the fragment's onCreateView, and change fragments using the addToBackStack to save the History and be able to go back when I need, the problem is that I do not know why in some fragments when I execute a call to the server all these are done by means of threads, sometimes they are also executed at the same time called from previous screens. How can I solve this?
call to services:
in the onCreateView
fragment A
dialog = ProgressDialog.show(getActivity(), "", getString(R.string.progress), true);
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
String token = LiveCookie.getInstance().getToken();
oW = BusinessLogic.getOW(token,getActivity(),"TRANSFERENCIA");
rW = BusinessLogic.getRW(token,getActivity());
I navigate by fragment ABC in each one I make calls in the same way and when I pass between the fragment I use the following code:
Util.replaceFragment(new fragmentA(),getFragmentManager());
public static void replaceFragment (Fragment fragment,FragmentManager manager){
String backStateName = fragment.getClass().getName();
FragmentTransaction ft = manager.beginTransaction();
ft.replace(R.id.content_frame, fragment,backStateName);
and in the FragmentC when I call the service, the FragmentA plains that are onCreateView are also made at the same time, making two requests at the same time, and this gives me errors and I just want to make the request I need in the FRagmentC