I have the following code that shows the results of the database in a modal window, but for example in the description field there are parts of the text saved with quotation marks, for example to indicate inches 3 ", and when printing the information in the modal window, it only appears to where the quotes are, the rest of the fields no longer print them, how can I escape those quotes to show the rest of the information from there?
$(".btn-view-producto").on("click", function(){
var producto = $(this).val();
var infoproducto = producto.split("*");
html = "<p><strong>Codigo:</strong>"+infoproducto[1]+"</p>"
html += "<p><strong>Nombre:</strong>"+infoproducto[2]+"</p>"
html += "<p><strong>Descripcion:</strong>"+infoproducto[3]+"</p>"
html += "<p><strong>Precio:</strong>"+infoproducto[4]+"</p>"
$("#modal-default .modal-body").html(html);