Schedule a list that has 8 attributes, the truth is that I do not understand what it means.
I sense that what you are asking is that you make a list of an object that contains at least 8 attributes.
For that you need to create a class with at least 8 attributes, in your case I run with its constructor initializing those attributes and their getters and setters as you well say.
Later, when you have finished your class, in the main you have to create the objects:
Career c = new Career (attributesClass)
These attributes of the class you have to write yourself, are the data that will appeal the attributes of the race. I explain:
If your career has an attribute called name for example (suppose the race has a name) you must put the name of the race "Indianapolis" (for example). Numeric values do not have quotes.
After having created as many objects as you want and having declared your list ArrayListlista = new ArrayList ()
You can do the long-awaited list.add (c) where c is the name of the variable that holds one of the races you've created.