Is it correct to mix variables int and double making casts?


Is it a bad practice that I perform in this program mixing variables / constants of type int with others of type double? Should I declare them all as double and not do as much cast?

Thank you.

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::fixed;

int main() {
    int horas; // Total de horas trabajadas
    double tarifa; // Sueldo por hora
    const int horasMax = 40; // A partir de cuantas horas se facturara como hora extra y se aplicara la tarifa especial "excedente"
    const double excedente = 1.5; // Precio de la hora extra

    cout << "Introduzca las horas trabajadas (-1 para salir): ";
    cin >> horas;


    while(horas != -1) {
            cout << "Introduzca la tarifa por hora del empleado ($00.00): ";
            cin >> tarifa;

            if(horas <= horasMax)
                    cout << "El salario es: " << fixed << static_cast<double>(horas) * tarifa << "\n";
                    cout << "El salario es: " << fixed << (static_cast<double>(horas - horasMax) * (tarifa * excedente)) + (static_cast<double>(horasMax) * tarifa) << "\n";

            cout << "Introduzca las horas trabajadas (-1 para salir): ";
            cin >> horas;

    return 0;
asked by Alejandro 27.04.2016 в 20:11

2 answers


As you mentioned Bloodday , it might be more efficient to use the same type for all operations. .. at the end of the day, what do you use whole to store hours? Are there not fractions of hours? What happens if a worker has worked 63 minutes? Or 111 minutes?

However, because of the design of your code, it is " necessary " that the variable horas is an integer since you use this variable both to control the flow of the program and to make calculations.

Since floating-point numbers are known for the inaccuracy they have to reflect certain numbers (for example, it is impossible to express exactly the number 0.1, so an approximation is made); this imprecision makes comparisons for equity in floating-point numbers is discouraged, because it could be the case that 0.1 == (1.0 / 10.0) turns out to be false!

This makes " mandatory " the integer type for horas because you use a comparison of equity (well, inequality in this case); surely compare the inequality of horas as double directly against -1.0 no problems but if horas was used in calculations before making the inequality check could fail the condition even if supposedly should have been fulfilled.

That said, I advise you to use a variable double for hours and a control variable for the flow, for example: after the operation ask:

¿Desea continuar? (S/N)

And use a variable char , so the variable horas will have a sole responsibility .

To finish, you do not need type transformations in operations:

static_cast<double>(horas) * tarifa
static_cast<double>(horas - horasMax) * (tarifa * excedente)) + (static_cast<double>(horasMax) * tarifa

Since the integers will be promoted to double implicitly (the highlight is mine):




If the operand passed to an arithmetic operator is an integral value or an enumerated without scope, before any other action, the operand is promoted to integral.


For binary operators (except offsets), if the promoted operands have different types, additional conversion rules are applied, known as "usual arithmetic conversions" in order to produce a common type :

  • If any of the operands is an enumerated with scope, no conversion is made: both operands must have the same type.
  • Otherwise, if one of the operands is long double the other operand is converted to long double .
  • Otherwise, if one of the operands is double the other operand is converted to double .
  • Otherwise, if one of the operands is float the other operand is converted to float .

Therefore, if you decide to keep the whole type for horas , you can calmly remove the explicit conversion of your code because there is already an implicit conversion; removing those unnecessary static_cast will make the code a little easier to read.

answered by 28.04.2016 / 15:00

From the point of view of performance, it is better to make the variables double, since the cast is a function that requires processing time.

Although in a program like the one you show, it is a time that is not appreciable and you can do it however you want, if it was a routine that should be repeated a large number of times and respond as quickly as possible, with the cast are milliseconds that accumulate and become seconds making it look like the application has been left hanging.

answered by 27.04.2016 в 22:40