Hello, someone to help me and tell me what interruption I can use in assembler to do the same thing as the c ++ sleep function, please.
Hello, someone to help me and tell me what interruption I can use in assembler to do the same thing as the c ++ sleep function, please.
was to investigate, and I found a function of the interception 15h, which makes wait for a number of microseconds, which is to choose, until the next instruction.
the function is 86h, as a microsecond is 1/1 000 000 of a second, more space is needed to arm a second are necessary records cx and dx, the amount in microseconds must be noted in the following form:
I wrote a small program to test the func 86h - >
model small; small .stack 100; 100 bytes for stack .data a db 'a'
b db 'b'
c db 'c'
d db 'd'
e db 'e'
f db 'f'
g db 'g'
h db 'h'
i db 'i'
j db 'j'
k db 'k'
l db 'l'
dollar db '$' ;final de la cadena
.code start: mov ax, @ data mov ds, ax; connect ds with segment of the string
lea si, a ;direccion del inicio de la cadena de caracteres para imprimir en el si
loop_msg: ;imprimir un caracter de la cadena , esperar un segundo , imprimir proximo , hasta llegar al dollar
cmp [si],'$' ; caracter de dollar ?
je exit ;salir si es
mov al, [si]
mov ah, 0eh; bios function to print a character
int 10h; bios interuption
mov ah, 86h; the func that makes you wait
mov cx, 000Fh; in this case a million micro seconds
mov dx, 4240h
int 15h
inc yes, increase the position and print the next letter
jmp loop_msg
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h; return to DOS
end start
I thank you for creating this article, on the contrary I would not know how to make the graphic animation effect on the screen and take advantage of the timer < 3 = D