Show the result of a SQL Server 2008 sp in a web form C # (Visual Studio)


Good day everyone. I have a sp SQL Server 2008 that throws me the following result:


On the other hand, I have a form that contains a label (lbl_totals),

<asp:Label ID="lbl_totales" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

which I would like you to show the result of this sp. The sp such as, throws me the result indicated above. I have this code which I am testing, however, it still does not show the result in my label. Does anyone know where my error is? Or could you give me some additional idea?

  protected void TotalReg()

        clsConexioncs cnx = new clsConexioncs();
            DataSet ds;
            cnx.Conexion = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultPRM"].ToString();
            ds= cnx.EjecutaComandoDataSet();

            foreach(DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows )
                //lbl_totales.Text = dr[0].ToString();
                lbl_totales.Text = dr["Total_Registros"].ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox("Ha ocurrido el siguiente error " + ex.Message.ToString());
        finally { cnx = null; }

Expected result would be the following:

Total_registros:  [lbl_totales] 

Where lbl_totals would be the label where it would show the result of the sp. Staying in the following way:

Total_registros: 0
asked by Ric_hc 01.12.2017 в 19:38

1 answer


Good afternoon if you want to know the number of records returned in the query and you do not have to do the foreach just enough with the following.

lbl_totales.Text = ds.Tables.[0].Rows.Count.toString();

Now if you want to get the total sum of the Total_Registros field, you should do the following

int sumaTotal
foreach(DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows )
    sumaTotal += Convert.toInt32(dr["Total_Registros"]);
lbl_totales.Text = sumaTotal.toString();

Although this could be done in your process prm_spTotalRecordsNAV


answered by 01.12.2017 в 22:00